Birthday Wishes for my Baby!

As some of you know, my daughter Ava turned 1 year old last week! I can’t believe how fast the time has gone. It seems just like yesterday I was waddling around with a big, bourgeoning belly and now she’s taking her first steps! In honor of her 1st bday, I thought I’d share a funny photo of her with you guys. The happiness she brings me is immeasurable!

She’s watching Yo, Gabba Gabba in what looks like utter disbelief!

I’ll be back tomorrow with a new, updated post. 🙂


  1. She is too adorable!

    That GOOD GOOD Blog

  2. Now THAT is too cute!! Happy birthday to your little one.

  3. Aww she is too cute! Happy Birthday to her

  4. yay! she’s so cute and i cant believe it’s been a whole year.

  5. I have a one-year old niece and Yo Gabba Gabba is the only thing that keeps her quiet. Kids are indeed, mesmerized by that show. Thanks for sharing!

  6. time flys:)

  7. Too cute! Wow! I can’t believe it’s been a year already either. Time flies.

  8. Love her!! What an adorable little girl!!!

  9. I’m expecting with a baby girl! So excited! Happy Birthday to Ava!!

  10. shes beautiful! happy birthday!

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