Wax & Wick Picks

Nothing makes your space feel more comfy and homey as the gleam of a flickering flame on a sweet or subtle smelling candle. A few years ago I wasn’t really into candles. In fact, I re-gifted several of these practical and often pretty products to my sister who absolutely loves candles.

My care for candles changed once I got married and moved out of my mother’s house and into my own apartment. As I started to semi-decorate the awkward and the seemingly out-of-place mantle in my bedroom, I realized that candles would add panache, as well as help create a sensual mood in my bedroom during those romantic nights with my husband.

Now when I receive a candle as a present I am pleasantly delighted; or when I smell an inviting aroma in a store, I am inclined to buy the candle that’s producing the soothing scent.

Whether you want to enhance the ambiance of your living space or give a gift that most people (mainly women) would appreciate, candles are a great choice. Varying in myriad styles and scents, you’re sure to find a candle that’s right for you.

Check out some of my choices:

“Tea Leaves” candle at Banana Republic: www.bananarepublic.com $24

“Eucalyptus and Patchouli Soy” Candle Available at Target: www.target.com for $10.19

Jo Malone “Coffret” Candle Set Available at Neiman Marcus: www.neimanmarcus.com for $85

White Barn “Apple” Scented Candle Available at Bath & Body Works: www.bathandbodyworks.com for $19.50

“Cannabis and Santal” Candle Available at Fresh: www.fresh.com for $48

“Winter” Candle Available at Bath & Body Works: www.bathandbodyworks.com $16.50

Ho, Ho, Ho for the Host(ess)!

Remember when I shared with you my favorite festive frocks to don during this season of holiday soirees? Well it’s just about that time to put on your pretty party dress and head to your merry affairs.

But before you get into a frenzy about what you’re going to wear, don’t forget to pick up a nice gift for your host(ess). Because we BGs always demonstrate proper etiquette, it’s essential that we gift the host(ess) with a nice thank-you when attending a function at someone’s home.

The good news is that the offering doesn’t have to be expensive. A simple and affordable gift will show your appreciation for his/her hospitality. Plus, it just feels good to give!

Here are a few suggestions:

These cute Cuisinart bottle openers will make your host(ess) want to crack open that bottle of wine they’ve been saving! Available at macys.com for $9.98

You can never go wrong with chocolates because most people love it! Available at redenvelope.com for $42 These are pretty pricey, but you can find other chocolate gift sets much more affordable.

Your hostess will thank you for these adorable travel candle tins. Available at redenvelope.com for $26

Even though I’m not a card player, many folks enjoy card games! Available at gifts.com for $20

If you know about the party far enough in advance, cute monogrammed bar soaps will be a nice touch. Available at redenvelope.com $36.

Flowers are always a sure bet! Poinsettias are perfect for the holidays.

Picture Perfect!

I don’t know about you, but last month I took dozens of digital family photos during the Thanksgiving holiday. Capturing the fun and enjoyment of being with my family through photographs is something that brings me great pleasure. I’m sure my little cousins, nieces and nephew hate to see me coming because I always round them up for what probably seems to them like an annoying nonstop snapshot session!

That’s why I am dying to get my hands on the latest gadget for photo-loving folks like me – the digital picture frame. Now, with these innovative frames you can simply upload your photos and have your own personal slideshow at your desk! Even though my husband thinks these devices are a huge waste of money, I think they’re rather cute and a great way to display your favorite photos. Maybe someone on your Christmas list will think so too!

Above: Royal Business Machines 10.4″ Digital Picture Frame available at Circuit City www.circuitcity.com for $229.95

My Favorite Things!

In the true fashion of the charitable media mogul herself, Oprah Winfrey, I’m listing my favorite things like she does on her annual “Favorite Things” show, which airs today. The only difference is that I can’t share them with each of you! Enjoy!

Super girly and chic makeup bags from Sephora: www.sephora.com for $18

She’s a great singer and songwriter. Ms. Keys’ CDs never disappoint! Check www.amazon.com

My Giiiirlfriends…there through thick and thin!! Girlfriends Second Season DVD Available on www.amazon.com for $30

What BG doesn’t love a classic pair of gold hoops? These are from Macy’s: www.macys.com for: $165

A friend gave one of these to me and I’ve been hooked ever since. It’s less stickier than the M-A-C one. Bobbi Brown, Crystal Lip Gloss. www.bobbibrown.com $16

I LOVE taking photos, I don’t know what I’d do without my camera! Kodak Easy Share Vseries: $199.99

I’m a true Chicagoan…Garrett popcorn is a must!