Post Halloween Candy Tips for Parents

My family and I had a fantastic Halloween! The fact that MJ was old enough to partake in the festivities made for a frightfully fun night out.

Ava was a wicked witch, while MJ was Alvin from “Alvin & the Chipmunks,” my favorite cartoon of all time. The weather was perfect so they had a blast trick-or-treating up and down the blocks for about two hours. Their pumpkin-shaped buckets were filled to the brim with sweet treats. From mini chocolate bars to fun size gummy bears, they scored TONS of candy!

On Halloween night I allowed them to pick three pieces of candy of their choosing, which was fine. But now, they’re asking for it every day! As parents, we know that they can’t consume too many sugary goodies on a daily basis. But, if you do let them indulge, at least know the healthier options.

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I made MJ’s costume by putting yellow tape on a red turtleneck and cap. Oh, and Ava’s wearing one of my dresses!

So, here are a few tricks that I’ve learned throughout the years to get through the post-Halloween treats:

*Choose chocolate – If you’re going to give your child candy, opt for chocolate instead. Super chewy and gummy candies get stuck in teeth and are cavity culprits.

*Avoid sour candies – The acidity of sour candies can eat away at teeth’s enamel, causing painful sensitivity and of course cavities.

*Set Boundaries – Limit their treats to the weekends. Let your little one know that too much sugar on a daily basis can wreak havoc on their overall health.

*Out of Sight, Out of Mind – After Halloween, put the candy away in a high cabinet or tuck it away in a pantry. If they don’t see the candy, they will soon forget about it.

 Did your little ones go trick-or-treating this year?

Event Recap: L’il Critters Fun Day at Central Park Zoo

Last week my children were surprised to a impromptu visit to Central Park Zoo.

Of course, as we moms know, things are hardly ever impromptu when involving kids. So, I knew well in advance that we had been invited to a day of fun all courtesy of L’il Critters vitamins—America’s #1 Kid Vitamin Brand.

Since L’il Critters is all about promoting healthy lifestyles for kids and families, it was befitting to have the afternoon start off with a nice warm-up routine. The activity reinforced the importance of physical activity by encouraging those in attendance to get moving with the help of the L’il Critters mascot! Who doesn’t love exercising with a larger-than-life bear? Needless to say, the kids enjoyed it.

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A few of the L’il Critters vitamins that were on display throughout the event space. 

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Ava showing off her push-up skills during the exercise portion of the event.


Ava and the other kids giving the L’il Critters mascot high-fives.


Ava enjoying lunch before taking a peek at Steve Ettinger’s book, “Wallie Exercises.”

After the workout, the kids worked up an appetite and were presented with various healthy lunch options. Ava and MJ hardly ate anything because they were just so excited to be in the presence of the L’il Critters bear. After lunch it was time to see some animals! Unlike regular trips to the zoo, the children were led by a zoo tour guide who provided them with a wealth of information about all of the animals were saw. From penguins to grizzly bears, the zoo has plenty of attractions that will educate and entertain kids of all ages.


Once the zoo tour was over, we went back to the tent and took more pictures with the L’il Critters mascot and learned more about the brand and what their vitamins offer. Did you know that all of their vitamins are gluten-free? My kids love them and it’s always their highlight after breakfast.

Oh, if you love gummies like me, they have a line of gummy vitamins for adults under their VitaFusion division. Trust me, they’re delicious and nutritious! I like to use the Hair, Skin and Nails multivitamin since I’m still on a quest to restoring my hair’s former luster prior to having children. Plus, I could always use a clearer complexion and these seem to be helping me achieve an even skin-tone.


VitaFusion Hair, Skin & Nails Multivitamin available here, $14.50

Check out these lifestyle tips to keep your child active and healthy:

* Shop together. Give kids a small budget and let them pick out a new veggie or fruit they want to try as part of their meal.

*Involve kids in meal prep, whether it’s setting the table, cracking the eggs or making a grocery list. Kids who participate in cooking are more likely to eat better and are more willing to try new foods. Praise them for their efforts.

*Make the focus about each other – designate the dinner table a “no screen zone” by turning off the TV and leaving the phones and tablets in another room.

Does your family take multivitamins? How do you keep your kids active?

Get Class Picture-Perfect with Conair’s Quick Twist Hair Styler

I can’t believe we’re already a month into my daughter Ava’s school year. I’m even more shocked  that her class picture day is next week!

School pictures are a big deal—at least they were when I was growing up. But, that was before digital cameras and cell phones. When I was in school, my mom would style my hair in special ways for the big day. Back in the ’80s and early ’90s that meant pressing it straight then curling the ends.  Since I won’t be doing that, I do plan on using  Conair’s new Quick Twist Hair Styler  to create fun, twisty braided-ponytails.

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Conair Quick Twist Hair Styler available here, $30

Ever since we attended the launch party for the product last month, Ava has been so excited to use it on her hair. During the event we were able to test the hair tool with the help of a professional hairstylist.


One of the hairstylists using the Conair Quick Twist Hair Styler on my daughter, Ava’s, naturally curly hair. 

At first, I was skeptical that it would work on naturally curly hair like my daughter’s. To my surprise and delight, it worked perfectly. Plus, it’s super easy to use. The hair clamps into two grooves and the rotating head quickly and gently twists the hair creating effortless two-strand braids. However, if your child has short hair, this product will not work well. The hair has to be long enough to go into the clamps in order to create a twisty braided look.

So, on picture day Ava will rock her signature ponytails, but this time with a twist!


What’s your favorite hairstyling tool? 

GIVEAWAY: Celebrate Stonyfield Organic YoBaby Yogurt’s Sweet 16!

With two little finicky eaters in my home, it’s hard to find healthy food and snacks that will satisfy their picky palates. But, when all else fails there’s one thing that’s always a go—yogurt!

My five-year-old daughter has loved Stonyfield Organic YoBaby yogurt since she was two and it’s also my 19-month-old son’s go-to dessert. For years I had been giving the single packets to my daughter straight from the fridge, but just recently discovered that freezing them turns them into a delicious froyo treat.

Packed with  good bacteria aka probiotics to keep digestive systems happy, yogurt is the perfect alternative to sugar-laden ice cream. Unlike other brands, YoBaby is completely organic with whole milk and fruit and isn’t made with any antibiotics, artificial hormones or genetically modified organisms (GMOs).  Plus, they’re super convenient and relatively mess-free.

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Stonyfield Organic Yogurt is available at grocery stores nationwide. Check them out in the dairy aisle!

So when I was invited to attend YoBaby’s Sweet 16 celebration brunch at the lovely Bouley Botanical event space in Manhattan last month, I was thrilled! It’s always great to gain more insight and information about a brand or company that my family uses and loves.  Not only did my kids enjoy the yummy yogurt on hand at the event, but I learned about the company’s 16-year history and received great tips on how to get them to eat more than just yogurt!  While it’s a nutritious snack option, their diet definitely needs to be well-balanced with more veggies, grains and protein.


Me and my son enjoying some yogurt at the Stonyfield Organic YoBaby Sweet 16 celebration in New York City on April 28, 2015.

YoBaby partnered with dietician and mom blogger, Sally Kuzemchak, MS, RD of to give us moms and editors in attendance feeding ideas to encourage successful eating for babies at different stages.

Check out a few of the tips:

6 months—Purees are the standard first foods for babies but if your little one is interested in self-feeding, experiment with soft, long pieces of finger foods he can easily hold in his hand like wedges of ripe avocado or roasted sweet potatoes.

9 months—Give your baby some yogurt or cooked cereal and a spoon, she can try her hand at self-feeding. Also, introducing whole grains and eggs are a great option at this stage.

12 months—Phase out formula and opt for whole milk for your growing tot. Small finger foods like chickpeas and tofu cubes are fun to eat and nutritious!

24 months—Avoid making separate “kid food” and make meals that your whole family will enjoy. Serving your toddler the same meals as the family will encourage them to try more foods like healthy leafy greens.

Do you have a picky eater in your family? Do your babies/tots/kids enjoy yogurt? If so, I’m giving away a prize pack of YoBaby yogurt to one lucky reader. Simply leave a comment below or Tweet me (@browngirlgumbo) telling me how you get your child to eat different foods to maintain a healthy diet. The winner will be announced on Tuesday, May 26th. This giveaway is only open to U.S residents. 

CHARM IT! Event Recap & Design-A-Charm Contest

If you have a little girl in your life between the ages of 5 and 14, chances are you’re pretty familiar with CHARM IT!

This past Saturday, the novelty jewelry brand in partnership with Crayola hosted a super girly event celebrating their 2015 Design-A-Charm Contest. Held at the uber trendy Dylan’s Candy Bar on the Upper East Side,  my mini-me and her best gal pal were treated to tasty pastries, including Magnolia Bakery cupcakes and of course candy!


Throughout the event, those in attendance were given entry forms to create and submit their best drawings using Crayola (crayons, pencils & markers) for a chance to have them turned into actual charms. Having the girls look through the yearbook of whimsical creations, which included everything from a pair of headphones to palm trees  allowed them to use their imaginations.


The contest was a creative activity that my daughter and her BFF really enjoyed, but that wasn’t where the fun ended. After the aspiring charm designs were drawn—the kids got camera-ready with fun props and took cute pics at the photo-booth station.

We had a fantastic time coloring, mingling and especially, indulging in sweets. Now our fingers are crossed in hopes that their designs made the cut.


If you’d like for your child to participate in the charming contest, you’re in luck! The contest runs through May 6th so you have to act FAST!

Simply click on the photo below to enter:


Did you collect charms as a little girl? Or do you STILL collect charms from adult jewelers like Pandora, etc?

Get Spring & Easter Styles for Less at The Children’s Place

If you’re looking for stylish Easter and spring fashions, look no further than The Children’s Place.

This season the store is stocked with plenty of trendy apparel perfect for school, play dates and weekends. I’ve been shopping at the fashionable and affordable store for just about every occasion since my daughter’s birth five years ago. It’s been my go-to for everything from dresses to headbands (she collects them!) and everything in between. So of course when my son was born, I continued to go there for cute and comfy teesjeans and outfits for him as well.


My daughter, Ava, wearing one of her favorite dresses from The Children’s Place spring offerings.

Right now I’m completely obsessed with the retailer’s cheery animal motif dresses.  They’re so adorable for little girls—especially for those with pets. They’re playful and whimsical just as kids’ clothing should be.

With Easter rapidly approaching next Sunday, be sure to drop by your local TCP—I promise you won’t be disappointed!

Check out some of these look-at-me styles:


Photo-Real Skater Dress available here, $17.50


Gingham Bow Tie available here, $4.20


Oxford Shirt available here, $13


Dotted Jeggings available here, $10


Dotted Flared Dress available here, $30


Argyle Sweater available here, $13


Chambray Vest available here, $9.50


Photo-Real Donut Stack Socks available here, $4.20

Where do you stock up on kids’ clothing? Have you bought your kids Easter outfits?

BGG’s Back-to-School Checklist: Get An A+ in Eye Care

It’s hard to believe that my baby girl, Ava, will be starting preschool in a few short weeks.

Like many moms, there are plenty of errands that I need to do in preparation for her big day. From shopping for school supplies to updating her wardrobe, my checklist seems to be endless. While those tasks are priorities, scheduling an appointment with her eye doctor tops the list.

Last month, I attended an event hosted by The Eye Solution/Kids Vision for Life where I learned more about the importance of good eye health. We all know that children need to visit their pediatricians annually, but oftentimes we parents forget to get our little one’s eyes checked out too. Oh, and those quick “eye exams” during routine physicals don’t count.


During the event, I spoke with several experts and learned that this oversight (no pun intended) can lead to mislabeling in school, which can ultimately have avoidable negative effects on students.

For example, a child may not be able to see the blackboard/whiteboard in class and will subsequently say the wrong answer simply because he’s suffering from vision problems. Initially, teachers or parents may conclude that the child is having academic challenges when in fact all he needs is a pair of glasses.

Being an ’80’s baby who grew up watching the popular ’90’s TV show, “Beverly Hills, 90210,” I was pleased to know that actress Jennie Garth, is teaming up with The Eye Solution to launch the “Get An A+ in Eye Care” campaign, a program that inspires people to help provide good eye health and vision correction for children (ages 5-12) in need across the U.S. The campaign is simple: see good, share good, and make good happen.

Plus, there’s a social media component that encourages people to “like” The Eye Solution on Facebook to help give back.” For every “like” on The Eye Solution Facebook page, (Alcon) will donate $1 up to $50,000 to help fund more than 1000 eye exams and eyeglasses for underserved children across the country.

Remember, our children’s vision health is incredibly important to their overall well-being and academic success. Don’t forget to make time for them to see an eye doctor annually after the age of 3.

Check out these Eye-Opening Facts from Kids Vision For Life:

  • *1 out of 4 children in the U.S has a vision problem significant enough to affect learning
  • *80% of learning in a child’s first 12 years comes through his eyes
  • *25% of all school children in the U.S have a vision problem significant enough to affect learning
  • *90% of children who need glasses do not have them
  • *44% of parents are not aware that behavioral problems can be an indication that a child’s vision is impaired

 **GIVEAWAY**In celebration of Back-to-School season, I’m giving away a gift bag filled with eye care goodies for the whole family. Simply leave a comment below and a winner will be randomly selected and announced next Monday, August 18th. This giveaway is open to U.S residents only. 

If you have a school-aged child at home, do you schedule annual eye exams for him/her?