Happy Thanksgiving

I hope each and every one of you have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! This will be my first year celebrating the holidays with my baby girl, Ava. I have so much to be thankful for. Enjoy yourselves! 🙂

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Happy Thanksgiving!!

I’m taking the rest of the week off to be with my family in Chicago. I wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!! I’ll be back on Monday (if my flight isn’t delayed, otherwise, I’ll be back on Tuesday)!


  1. Awww man!
    Don’t go!

    Well…come back soon

    Eat well and enjoy


  2. Happy Thanksgiving! I just left Chicago to come home!! Eat well! And return with some posts on exercising because I am gonna need them LMBO!!

  3. Have fun…You know I am in Chicago though – right?

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your family.

  5. Have a happy holiday girl and a safe trip!

  6. happy thanksgiving honey!

  7. Have a safe flight BGG.

  8. BGG, just in case you forgot… the hawk is in full effect here. Bring your oversized coat. LOL!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  9. happy thanksgiving!

  10. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy your time with your family!

  11. Be well, safe traveling and enjoy the family.

  12. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving BG!

  13. Have a good one!

  14. enjoy your holiday!!!!

  15. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!! and be careful on Friday if you’re shopping LOL.

  16. Happy Holidays!

  17. happy thanksgiving to you! hope your day is filled with good food, good company, and laughter!

  18. we’ll miss you sweetie, have a great trip sweetie, big hugs to you and your family.

  19. Hope you’re having a fun holiday!

  20. Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving with the family.

  21. Goble Goble! That doesn’t look like your family !

  22. BGG, I hope you had a great time at home with family! I was stuck in H-town but we made the best of it. I actually cooked and it was delicious but don’t tell anybody. That’s a lot of work. I’d rather be on the clean up crew any day!

  23. that is a lovely image

  24. Hope you had a Blessed holiday and a safe trip home!

  25. It’s Tuesday, where are ya? lol

  26. Thanks for all of the Thanksgiving well-wishes. I had a FANTASTIC time in Chicago. I hope everyone had a wonderful turkey day as well! 🙂

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