Today Marks My 150th Post!

Today I decided to take the day off and celebrate my 150th post! I just want to thank all of you who have enjoyed reading BGG since I started it last September. Writing about fashion, beauty, music, celebrities, etc. is truly my passion! So to know that other people actually enjoy reading my posts is so gratifying. I am so grateful for all of you, especially my loyal readers like K-Bear, Kwana, Ros, Kitty Vodka, Mimieyes, Ondo Lady, Divine Blackness, Ashley-Nicole, Don, Antithesis, 12Kyle, Afrodite, PCD, Product Junkie, KBL, Ananda and T.

If you have questions about ANYTHING or have any suggestions on what you’d like to see more of on BGG, please let me know by leaving a comment!

Thanks again for your support and I’ll be back tomorrow with Fabulous Photos of the Week!


  1. Congratulations! I’m definitely a fan of your blog.

  2. Hooray BGG,
    You work so hard each day and you respond to those who comment and it really is a pleasure visiting your blog.Enjoy your day off.
    Product Junkie Diva

  3. Congratulations!!! I really like your blog. Enjoy your day, and do something to celebrate!

  4. CONGRATS! yours was one of the first blogs i came across when i seriously started this thing and you’ve kept my attention thus far. you have great style and you write very well. LOVE your blog! keep it up!

  5. Congrats! I hope you do somethin relaxing today. Just keep up the good work you have done good so far so now you can only get better. Luv you.

  6. BBG, Great work!
    I have truly enjoyed your blog.
    At this time when life seems to go so fast it’s great to get information quickly.
    I realized the time and effort that you put in to researching gives us the best products and celeb photos. It keeps us going.
    Cheers! To the future!!

  7. Congrats! And thank YOU so much for keeping your posts consistently fabulous.

    And I’m so honored to have a shoutout on your awesome blog.

    Keep the fab coming!

  8. YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! *doing the butterfly* 150 posts is HUGE!!! and you have good posts too! its not just fluff, so i commend you! *champagne glass clinking*

  9. *gasp* i was shouted!?!?! CHAMPAGNE FOR ALL!!!! ok, i’ll stop goofing…enjoy your day 🙂

  10. BGG, Congratulations to you! I can’t believe you’ve only being doing this since Sept. You’re such a pro. I see fame and fortune in your future. I’m glad to be at the ground level with you so when I see you on TV I can say I remember her when she was just starting out! I absolutely love your blog and look forward to each daily post. My suggestion would be to continue doing what you do, how you do…it’s working!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations!!!! It’s a celebration B-Girls!!! Very proud of you. BIG things are coming your way! You are making it happen.


  12. Congratulations. WOW. Keep flowing. Enjoy your day off. Your blog is fabulous. What do you think about adding music that BGG loves? Sometimes it could be just things you find a long the way that are different. Right now I am listening to two London brothers: HKB FiNN and Tunde Jegede – Their work combines African classical music, spoken word, hip hop, jazz, soul, and just groovy music from across the pond with flava from West African, the Caribbean, and Black America. My favorite cds that keep me company now are HKB FiNN’s Light in the Shade of Darkness and unde Jegede’s Still Moment. Tunde’s music is steeped in African classical music that uses the kora (harp lute). Great for slowing yourself down, dinner party music, an evening in with a special somone, or me time with a great magazine or book. Enjoy. Love and Fashion, Ananda

  13. congratulations BGG on your 150th post. Brown Girl Gumbo is one of my fave blogs, definetly in my top 5. And thanks for the shout out, I feel like a celeb LOL.

  14. wow ! 150 and still going strong. yayayyayayyyayayayyayayayayayya !

  15. YAYYY! Congrats on the milestone. That is truly an accomplishment. I think alot of people take for granted the amount of work that actually goes into to blogging. It takes serious effort/time, so kudos to you for being so successful. You have a fantastic blog!


  16. Congrats. I don’t think I could make it thus far.. You sure did it!!!

  17. Congrats! Keep em coming!

  18. that guy says:

    Congratulations! no shout out for that guy…i still love you anyway

  19. @ Everyone – Thanks so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it!!! 🙂

    I love reading all of your comments!!

  20. Anonymous says:

    Congrats! I look forward to the nest 150!

  21. kitty vodka says:

    to 150 More!!! cheers!

  22. Congrads to the blog’s is so fun and diverse!

  23. That Idris….good Lord.

    The end.

    BGG all the way!

  24. Congrats on the big 150!!! I just love your blog!!

  25. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  26. Congrats… I just started reading and I love it!

  27. congrats love!

  28. Anonymous says:

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